The Suez Canal
Woke up this morning in the mouth of the Suez Canal. Slowly making our way. Security personnel is posted on the lower promenade deck (Deck 6), armed with binoculars, walkie talkies and nasty scowls on their faces. If you were going to describe what a "mercenary" looks...

Assignment: Venice
Roughly five hours in the most photogenic city on the planet. Venice virtually dares you to suck at photography.

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Day 30: A Few Thoughts
Those cobblestones in Italy pretty much did me in. Four to six hours a day walking on those charming cobblestoned sidewalks is tough on the feet and legs.

Another Planet
The photo above was an expensive proposition. It was taken at the top of Mt. Etna. Or Aetna. (Your choice.) One of the largest active volcanos in the Mediterranean, it's located on the island of Sicily, off the coast of Italy. Home of Vito Corleone. Our visit to...

Good morning from Split, Croatia
I have a connection! I'm taking it easy today. Tomorrow is Venice. A big day. It marks the completion of the first 21 days of this cruise (which are pretty much a blur, aside from a few lingering blisters). Twenty-eight more to go. In Venice, we will be off-loading...

Greek Island of Corfu
I just picked up a copy of today's local newspaper and, honestly, it's all Greek to me... Sent from my android device.

A Look Back @ Spain
(Blogger's Note: This was written several days ago. But due to on again/off again Internet connectivity and sheer physical exhaustion from exploring Florence, Rome and Naples on foot, I'm hoping I can get this posted...finally...today.) Somewhere in the Mediterranean...

Pizza in Naples
Pizzaria Lombardi a Santa Chiara. The. Real. Deal. €4.

Roma è la gente.
Molte, molte persone. Seriously, I had been warned by just about everyone I know who has visited Rome that the crowds are a mind-blower. And I still wasn't prepared for the sheer density of people...everywhere. Rome makes Disneyworld seem like a ghost town.